tonight, i'm mending a mirror.
a while back, the wire that has held it up for nearly two decades snapped and, ever since it's been awkwardly leaning on the wall like a wallflower. i think it's time to change that.
here's to being upright and helping things to be seen clearly!
to repair the mirror, i took off the original wire and replaced it with a length of quadrupled 28 gauge wire that i twisted together to make it strong.
(now, there's a good rule: only rely on that which is strong enough to hold you up!)
the pic below shows you the final result:
a while back, the wire that has held it up for nearly two decades snapped and, ever since it's been awkwardly leaning on the wall like a wallflower. i think it's time to change that.
here's to being upright and helping things to be seen clearly!
to repair the mirror, i took off the original wire and replaced it with a length of quadrupled 28 gauge wire that i twisted together to make it strong.
(now, there's a good rule: only rely on that which is strong enough to hold you up!)
the pic below shows you the final result:
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