Tuesday, 1 May 2012

may 1, 2012

one word: triumph.
my life is out of storage!

moving day went really well today.

i think it's cool that i was surrounded by such devoted and awesome worker bees on may day; all of us working toward the same goal. there was a lot to do and so much grace despite time pressures and physical tiredness. we got shit done with minimal complaint and maximum fun. so many silly voices and much car singing.

i also think it's cool that i'm making this big life transition on beltane: the high day of fertility and love. may my creative life be rich in this cozy new home of mine. may there be much good company given and received in this space. may only warmth and passion and compassion and love and mutual support pass between people here.

it feels good. it all feels so good.

and, now, i sleep.


  1. So happy that your move went well, I love your blog and I hope your dreams were sweet. :D
