Thursday, 12 April 2012

april 12, 2012

today is another vocabulary mending day!

this makes vocabulary post #3.

update on my previous two posts: i've had a lot of success with removing the self-diminishing uses of just from my vocabulary - they've pretty much been phased out. yay! *happy dance* i'm having limited success with getting rid of the you knows at the end of my sentences, though. it still happens constantly. the work on that one continues.

here's a blurb about what these posts are all about, in case you're a new reader...

recently, i've been sifting through my vocabulary. similar to a pair of jeans that develops holes from consistent wear, there are words that wear on us, culturally speaking, and they need to either be mended or thrown out. today, i'm mending my relationship to the word like, and i invite you to join me!

today's vocabulary post is about cutting out two specific uses of the word like that have been annoying me lately and making me feel immature, linguistically speaking. i think this is one of the small details of my language usage that affect how seriously people are willing to take me.

icky usage #1:
when i'm recounting previous conversations: "i was like, 'it would be better to give a clear yes or no.' and she was like, 'yeah, i agree.'" i'd like to simply use the word said instead.

icky usage #2:
when i insert like into a sentence during a moment when i'm thinking of what i want to say next. "it' much to take on for that day." in this case, i think a silent pause while thinking would be a better choice.

as of now, i'm pledging to only use like in accordance with its two other (very functional and appropriate!) definitions:

1. comparison. (i.e.: her writing is sort of like trish salah's.)
2. similes. (i.e.: it's like a bright spring day to hear you say that!)

anyone out there want to join in on the challenge?


  1. I'm really guilt of abusing like, but I think growing up in the 90's cursed me with it haha. I always feel like a character from Clueless when I catch myself saying it too much.

  2. Interesting that you mentioned "just". It's something I've been trying to eradicate from my speech when I realized how it sounded when I was in grad school. People (myself included) would often say "I just think" or "It's just that," which not only belittled their idea, but often seemed too absolve them of taking responsibility for defending that idea. I figured if you have idea you think is worth sharing, don't bash it up before anyone's even heard it yet.

    Also, I hate the word "totes". I don't use it and I'm hoping it will eventually go the way of saying "Man, that's boss."
