i was struck by the sheer amount of fabulous pink around me today, the power of being able to identify each other as allies as we walked around because of wearing said pink, and the strength that i saw in so many of the teens at the gala tonight. one of them wore a t-shirt that said, "bullying? child, please!" some of them gave speeches about their experiences, including a close friend of jamie hubley, who was a 15-year-old gay boy from ottawa who committed suicide last fall.
listening to them, i was near tears a number of times - sometimes because of inspiration and delight in hearing their thoughts or hearing about their projects, and sometimes because of a sadness that they should have to access so much strength and courage to get through the crap that they're living in their high schools - those small enclaves that feel like the whole world while you're in them.
rick mercer was there, accepting a role model of the year award, and he talked about how most of us don't think about high school after we leave it. about how, if we were queer or in any way "different", we are likely to want to never think about the experience - or the school system - ever again. but this is the main way that we're failing the kids that are coming through the schools now. if we leave them hanging like other adults before us left us hanging, all this crap is never going to stop. we need to go back to high school...in the sense that we can't just forget about these kids and their isolation. we need to take responsibility for what's happening to them and support the process of change.
there are so many kids out there who need help mending their ideas of themselves because of the garbage they've been fed about who they are and what that means about their worth. to do that, we need to be able to make contact with them - or help others to make contact with them - to let them know that real humans care about the fact that they feel so alone. then we need to be there for them. we also need to talk about cruelty and hate and phobia so that the effects of bullying are more clear to kids who aren't gay or trans or poor or people of colour or disabled or or or... we can either do that by volunteering for community projects - like jer's vision or support our youth or some other similar initiative - or we can give our money to organizations like these so they have the resources to reach more kids.
i just committed to a monthly donation. what are you going to do?
i also went, didn`t see you though, probably because i didn`t stay long, as i had worked that day and thus was on my feet for a long time and there was nowhere left to sit. i did make a one-time donation, and i`ve volunteered for jer`s vision in the past. i like your comments/opinion about older glbtq/etc. folks' roles and responsibilities towards queer/glbtq/etc. youth and young women and men.